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Wellness Coaching

A coach works one-on-one with you to improve your health and well-being. We help you overcome obstacles to maintain healthy habits for life through yoga, meditation, and Reiki for stress reduction in work and personal life. Our coaching services incorporate support strategies for your daily life, and are dependent upon assisting you to make behavior changes to achieve your desired positive outcome.


Life Coaching

Life coaching gets you out of your head so you can take action in the areas of your life that you want to change. We guide you through the process by asking questions that help you evaluate and decide which steps to take in order to reach your goal or make an important change. Then we play the important roles of motivator, strategist and accountability partner. Our goal is to help you reach your goal in the most efficient, effective and rewarding way possible. We step you through the achievement process from the beginning to the end, from the planning stage all the way through the execution stages. Your success depends upon you bringing your desire to change and then taking the action to meet your goals.

Business Meeting

Reiki Coaching & Certification

As you might experience with massage, a Reiki treatment can help ease tension and stress and support the body to facilitate wellness and balance on all levels – physical, mental and emotional. This in turn promotes clarity of thought and space for creativity.

The word Reiki (ray-key) is Japanese for ‘universal life energy’. Reiki is a gentle hands on or off healing technique which requires no tools, medicine or equipment. This holistic therapy simply works by transferring energy from the practitioner and directing it towards yourself in order to create balance and promote your body’s own natural ability to heal.

Reiki training includes self-treatment, mental emotional healing, and ultimately learning how to teach Reiki. Reiki training spans several sessions with each focused various techniques, consistent practice and mastery through coaching.

You will learn breathing exercises to center your energy and allow the flow of healing to yourself or a another. Reiki training gives you access to increased awareness of yourself which in turn gives you insight into others and their motivations and innate gifts.

Reiki Therapy

Yoga/Meditation Coaching

De-stressing is essential for entrepreneurs and business owners.  We know the importance of yoga and meditation and how it will help improve your productivity and ultimately, your bottom line.

Meditation and Yoga have been shown to be very effective in reducing stress levels. For 20 years I was one of those business owners, always running under pressure with my executive search firm.  Now I work at a slower pace, set priorities, and make time for yoga/mediation every day.

Did you know ADHD and "sensation seeking" are more common among entrepreneurs than in the general business population? People with ADHD are often drawn to new and exciting experiences with higher risk. We love it, it drives us. However, it also means that as a entrepreneur, you need to be especially careful about taking on too much and overextending.

We all know that as founders, you are constantly juggling risks and sometimes get overwhelmed. It's so essential for you to find ways to relax. Otherwise, you burn out and your business suffers, it happens daily. Don’t let it happen to you.

With JWC Consultants, we will discuss why you need to take a deep breath and together we will determine which actions are worth taking.

Yoga Posture



I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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